I have been having a good contraction, about 1 per hour since yesterday. They are still not painful, but slightly more uncomfortable than the regular braxton hicks I have been having since I was about 4 months pregnant. Besides being slightly more uncomfortable and more frequent, the only difference is that you can visibly see by looking at my belly that I am having one. It looks CRAZY. My stomach gets tight, and it appears He is being pushed down, and it looks lumpy. I can't really explain it well, but it looks crazy. How long can these go on for every hour before they start becoming even more frequent? I am getting tired of waiting! Our next Dr. appointment is on Monday, if we make it to that visit, I will update if I have dilated more than 1 cm. I hope so!
|Self Belly Shot - 38.5 weeks|

Sept. 24 - Oct. 23
We bought this Libra onesie when I was about 2 months pregnant, and hoped that He would actually be able to wear it. I know that probably sounds weird, but I really wanted Emerick to be a Libra..... Today He is officially a Libra! ;)
"The Libra baby will revel in the attention of others from the get-go. That baby whom everyone is cooing over at the doctor's office? Yes, it's a Libra. Passive yet charming, people can't help fawning all over this sun-kissed child. Perhaps it's the way a Libra baby smiles when others swoon. Whatever the case may be, this child is possessed of the most endearing qualities. Even-tempered and sweet in disposition, the Libra baby loves to have others around and would much rather be with company than alone. In a group, this child will mix quite well with others, displaying the very Libran qualities of sociability and diplomacy. The Libra tot is a born mediator, perhaps prepping early on for a career as a lawyer or judge. Loving fancy touches, the Libra child is not likely to take well to hand-me-downs, especially girls! These are kids who love to feel pretty, and the best clothes are a big step in that direction. Comfort is also important to this child, so clean, pressed clothes and a snappy room are an added plus. Sense a bit of control here? Well, the Libra child does know how to be manipulative, although they manage to do it in the nicest way. To sum up, the Libra baby likes to talk, loves to socialize, and is a splendid (and even-handed) addition to any play group. Let the games begin!"
*SIDE NOTE: Please vote on my 2 polls on the right, it only takes a second! and you can leave a comment if you want to be more specific on your weight estimate or anything! :)
Today was our 38 week Dr. visit. We also had an ultrasound to check on His growth, fluid levels, etc. Everything looks great. We couldn't even see His face on the ultrasound because he is so low in my pelvis and facing down. He is ready to come out :) His estimated weight is 8 lbs 3 oz. I am 1 cm dialated!Emerick will be here no later than October 1st or 2nd, we scheduled an induction. So unless He has other plans, we will go in Wednesday morning, October 1st and start the induction. My fingers are still crossed He comes on His own before that though. We are as ready as we can be, I even already made his birth announcements, we just need the photo and his stats. :)
I love arts & crafts, scrapbooking...all that stuff! Emerick is a lucky little guy to have lots of handmade things. Here are a couple of pictures of things people have made for him. These blocks that spell out his name were given to me at my shower, and were made by his "Auntie Mimi" (my best friend Megan) I LOVE them. I can't wait to incorporate them into a newborn photo of him :) If I am still pregnant this weekend, I might have James take a belly picture of me holding these blocks too!
This 1st year album was made by a client of mine, Joanna. When I saw that she makes these I asked her to make one for Emerick. I LOVE it. It came out perfect. It is made with a paper bag, and has little slots inside to store keepsakes, and comes with insert cards to document all of Emerick's milestones in the 1st year. I can't wait to fill it up. I will have to post pictures of the finished album a year from now.

2 weekends ago, James and I made this plaster cast of my belly. I think it is a really cool way to preserve this pregnancy, and always remember what I looked like pregnant.
Emerick has lots of other handmade things, including an ADORABLE knitted beanie made by a super talented photographer in Australia. I will post a picture of Emerick wearing it as soon as he comes out, which SHOULD BE any day now!