Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Every time we ask someone if they have purchased or rented the film, we get "I can't find it!" Well that is no longer an excuse!

Click HERE to rent it on NETFLIX.

Click HERE to purchase it at AMAZON.COM

Click HERE to purchase it at TARGET.COM

Please Please Please ... buy or rent this film, and spread the word. We would all love to see the film get a theatrical release!

Thanks :)

disclaimer: this film is not yet rated, and is NOT for children. :)

|black & white|

I have been on a black and white kick lately. I don't know what it is, but I just love black and white images! Emerick has been pretty smiley and ready for pictures lately, and I can't complain about that. I thought I would post a picture in color to change things up a little. I still have so much to do, like put all the stuff away that I have taken out of boxes, but just thrown on shelves, and figure out how to arrange the furniture in the office, and the sitting room off of our bedroom. Emerick is just such a distration, I can't get it done! ;)

I snapped these photos of my naked little man on our dining room floor, as it snowed outside the windows to my right. Emerick has TONS of adorable clothes, but I can't help but strip him down to the cutest outfit of all, his birthday suit.

I give up, I can't help but edit black & white!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

|photo catch up|

Christmas Morning

Pictures from Emerick's "meet and greet" the day after Christmas.

3 sisters

Auntie Mimi


Uncle Brian

All packed up

Pa-Pa taking a break from helping us pack up our LA home, to play with Emerick.

Emerick slept in the cats bed (which I washed of course) while we packed up our LA place, since his crib was broken down and outside in the SMARTBOXES. While the place was a disaster, we just put him in any open space we could find! He didn't seem to mind.

Our last night in LA

Emerick's Christmas present from Auntie Jessie, Uncle Aaron and his cousins, drums!

Our New Years Eve (Christmas gift exchange) at Uncle Aaron & Auntie Jessie's house, with cousins Gracie, little Aaron, Mom Mom, Danny, & Uncle Matt.

One of Em's favorite things to do, stare at the fireplace!!

Emerick meeting his Great-Great Uncle Ed, and Great-Great Aunt Eleanor (My Grandmother's sister)

This is the oldest cemetary I have ever seen, from the late 1700's, so scary...and it is in our neighborhood!

Hanging with his Aunie Ellen

Eating his toys, the usual

Some pictures in our neighborhood, during my first snow.

My Mom

Me building a tiny snowman, with bare hands, what a dummy.

Emerick playing in his new room before our furniture arrived

|one year ago today...|

...we found out that our lives would be forever changed. Last year on this day, we could only pray that we would have a healthy and beautiful baby, and here he is! Our wish came true, and the coming years can only get better and better. We love you baby Emerick. Thank you for choosing us to be your parents.

Photo taken January 25th, 2008

Photo taken January 25th, 2009 - 15.5 weeks old

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We are now residents of beautiful Maryland, and we have been enjoying spending our time together, catching up with family and friends. I LOVE it back here, and I am so glad we chose to make this move and raise our family here. We landed in Maryland on December 30th, and "moved" into our new home on New Years Day. We sent our furniture and things across country via SMARTBOX, which is like PODS. The estimate was that our things would get here on January 6th, but they did not get here until the 13th! We were literally camping out in our new place for 2 weeks! Luckily we have plenty of family nearby who were kind enough to loan us air matresss, blankets, towels, and all of those necessities. For those two weeks, James and I slept on a queen air mattress, and Emerick had his own twin size right next to ours. We are still trying to get settled in. I spend my days unpacking boxes and getting the place organized while James is at work. (Oh, and hanging out with my Mom AKA Grammy who lives 6/10ths of a mile from us!) while James is at work. We still do not have Internet, so I am posting from my Mom's house. We should hopefully have Internet by next week, at which time I will start posting blogs regularly again.
I have waited over 26 years to see it snow for the first time. Since landing in Maryland, I would look out the window in the middle of the night at every feeding, just to see if it was snowing. As if 26 years was not long enough, I waited...and waited..and waited...and finally, after 20 days in Maryland it snowed. It was beautiful! Of course I could not just stay inside and watch it snow for the first time, I had to venture outside. Since James was working, I called my Mom and we went out for a bit. When we got back to our neighborhood, the sun decided to come out, which was amazing. It was so pretty! Mom and I got out of the car to "play" in the snow, Emerick stayed in the car since he was sleeping. The next time it snows, Emerick is going to build a snowman!

Emerick is doing great, he sure keeps me busy! He is currently about 17 pounds, wearing size 1 diapers, and 3-6 month clothing. Still not sleeping through the night. OH, except for THAT ONE NIGHT, the one where we decided to stay up ALL Night and not go to sleep since we had a flight to catch to Maryland at 5AM the next morning! Yep, he slept through the night ONE night, and of course it was the night James and I did not go to sleep! Little bugger! He loves to sit in his bumbo and play with his toys. Anything he gets his little hands on, goes straight to his mouth of course. His current obsession is his feet. He LOVES his feet, especially when he has striped socks on them! He tries really hard to grab them, but just isn't quite coordinated enough yet. A couple more months and I am sure he will be grabbing his toes. He also loves Grammy & PaPa's fireplace!

I will be posting more pictures once we get our Internet set up, but for are couple recent pictures. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

|newborn photos|

Hey family!

If you want to purchase any prints from Emerick's newborn "Look Good In Pictures" segment, here are the proofs. Let me know in the next 2 weeks what you would like to order, and I will place 1 bulk order with the photographer!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009