Christmas Morning

Pictures from Emerick's "meet and greet" the day after Christmas.
3 sisters

Auntie Mimi
Uncle Brian
All packed up

Pa-Pa taking a break from helping us pack up our LA home, to play with Emerick.
Emerick slept in the cats bed (which I washed of course) while we packed up our LA place, since his crib was broken down and outside in the SMARTBOXES. While the place was a disaster, we just put him in any open space we could find! He didn't seem to mind.

Our last night in LA

Emerick's Christmas present from Auntie Jessie, Uncle Aaron and his cousins, drums!

Our New Years Eve (Christmas gift exchange) at Uncle Aaron & Auntie Jessie's house, with cousins Gracie, little Aaron, Mom Mom, Danny, & Uncle Matt.

One of Em's favorite things to do, stare at the fireplace!!
Emerick meeting his Great-Great Uncle Ed, and Great-Great Aunt Eleanor (My Grandmother's sister)

This is the oldest cemetary I have ever seen, from the late 1700's, so scary...and it is in our neighborhood!

Hanging with his Aunie Ellen 
Eating his toys, the usual
Some pictures in our neighborhood, during my first snow.
My Mom
Me building a tiny snowman, with bare hands, what a dummy.

Emerick playing in his new room before our furniture arrived