Emerick got his first taste of "real" food today, rice cereal. He was in heaven. The kid has always been an oinker since the day he was born, so this was just what he needed. He knew exactly how to open his mouth for the spoon and swallow, as opposed to push it out with his tongue. He was definitely ready for cereal. In a couple more weeks we will introduce a vegetable, not so sure he will like that so much!
I finally got around to hanging Emerick's letters over his crib in his new room, and while I hung them, I put Emerick in his crib, on his belly to look in his new mirror toy for the first time. He loved it, he smiled and had an adorable little conversation with himself!
James picked up a couple of these g-diapers at Whole Foods while I was pregnant, and I came across them a couple of days ago and decided to try them on. He has this orange one, in size medium, and a red one in size large. This medium is still way too big, so Emerick won't be wearing it for real for quite a while, but it was just too cute on his little hiney not to take a picture!
and just for fun, a behind the photo, photo. *our dining room, I pushed the dining table chairs out of the way, moved the table vertical, and closer to the windows, took the wall hanging down.
I have had a lot of people ask me, how I take some of the photos of Emerick, and how I get him to smile for so many photos. Well the truth is, I am not a great photographer, and I do not have the happiest baby on Earth (although he is SUPER happy most of the time!) I just have a really nice, and FAST camera! My camera has a 3-frame per second capability.
Here are a couple of recent out-takes that I thought were funny.
Now, I just need to save up enough to upgrade my Canon 5D, to the new bigger and better 5D Mark II!
1 day late, but |maybe| worth the wait? Emerick turned 4 months old yesterday. Oh, how time flies when you are having fun. Really, I just wish he would stop growing! Even though each month gets funner and funner, I am going to miss my little baby. I have decided to try and do a little photo shoot on each day he turns a month older. Today is another snow day. There are 6 weeks left of winter, which means maybe when emerick is 6 months old we can venture outside for some photos. There are some really pretty places in our area for photos. So inside photo shoot it was, first I plopped him in this basket, and of course he had to taste it. Then I stuck him on the floor in the dining room, but this time on a different rug, then he started screaming and wanted to nurse and take a nap. At least he let me get a couple of pictures though :)