Tuesday, March 31, 2009

|outtake tuesday|

I have been inspired by Kelly, who posts weekly editions such as "Favorite Photo Friday" to create my own little weekly thing! Introducing the first edition of "Outtake Tuesday". I can't make any promises that I will post every single Tuesday, because I am really bad at this sort of thing, but I am giving it a go. In the future, I will try and keep the resulting image a surprise, an image you have never seen before. However this is all I got for this week. Sometimes the outtake will be funny, and sometimes boring (like this one!)



Monday, March 30, 2009


Two nights ago, Emerick fell asleep in my arms as I nursed him before bed. This was the first time he has fallen asleep in my arms since he was probably about 3 weeks old! He is such an independent sleeper, and just so alert all the time that he has never been one to want to sleep in your arms. Needless to say, this melted my heart a little bit.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

|just in case...|

It was beautiful outside this evening. The sun was shining and the air was warm. Warm enough to capture some naked pictures of Emerick OUTSIDE for once. So we went for a walk to a pretty walking trail that runs through the golf course where we live. Emerick fell asleep on the walk, but while he was awake, he was having a great time in his stroller. One mile later, we found a spot to take a photo of Emerick in this really cool vintage doll cradle that my Mom bought me at an antique store in Churchville. As I was undressing Emerick, the sky turned gray and we heard a thunder clap in the near distance. Within minutes it was cold, no sun in sight and the thunder and lightening was right over our heads. Here we were on a trail about one mile from our home, no coats and no umbrellas. We quickly half dressed Emerick and strapped him back in the stroller and started running home. At this point it was starting to rain a little. Half way home and it was pouring. We were almost home, when we heard "here is an umbrella!" We looked up and there was a lady on her balcony of the building across from ours ready to toss us an umbrella! So nice of her. We made it home, soaked but with a story to tell. Time to buy a jogging stroller, just in case.

A snapshot of some flowers, about 30 minutes before the storm, right at the entrance of the walking trail.

Emerick passed out in his stroller, 15 minutes before the storm.

Our sweet, sweet boy. 5 minutes before the storm.

|sweet boy|

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

|25 weeks|

Today Emerick is 25 weeks old. One week from today, he will be 6 months old. A half a year gone by too fast, but it has been the best half of a year I have ever lived. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

|great invention|

Tonight Emerick got to try these "fresh food feeders" by Munchkin. They were a BIG hit. I stuck a piece of banana in it, and Em devoured it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

|i miss..|

Yesterday, the prints I ordered from Emerick's 11 day old photoshoot/Nikon segment came in the mail. They turned out really beautiful. I found myself a little teary as I placed them in frames, and remembered those first fleeting moments with our son. I miss my tiny one.

Lori, and Mary...I will mail you your prints this week :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


It is slowly turning into Spring around here, and I am excited for it to warm up a little so that Emerick can enjoy being outdoors. Moving to the East Coast in the dead of winter has meant very little time spent outside, and I think Emerick is tired of being cooped up. I am excited to be able to take him for walks on the pretty walking trail in our neighborhood, and to the playground down the road.

The middle picture below is Emericks new face, he constantly does that with his lips :)

Friday, March 20, 2009


After a nice warm bath, just hanging out on the floor in his birthday suit :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


|not sick|

Emerick is a faker. His newest thing is to fake cough. He mostly does it when he wants to get your attention. When he first discovered he could do this, I was actually fooled for a minute to think he might be getting sick, but he is just faking it and does it all day long!

He is also in love with food! He opens his mouth every time we take a bite of our food! AND gets upset when he realizes he is not going to get to try our food. Poor guy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

|lazy day|

no motivation, but how I am supposed to stay motivated with this little person staring at me all day?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


I am ashamed to say that these photos are really the only pictures I have taken of Emerick in the past couple of weeks! I don't know what is wrong with me?! He is growing like a weed since we have started him on rice cereal, and now he has tried peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples. He loves them all, even the peas. Strange boy!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

|two little snowmen|

I finally got around to building Emerick a snowman. We had a really good snow on Sunday night/Monday morning, and today... for the first time in what seems like forever, it was not windy out. There is a pipe in the snowman's mouth, and I realize now I should have turned the pipe at a different angle because you can't really really tell what it is. Oh well, Emerick is still super cute hanging out with his own snowman!