Thursday, April 30, 2009
|2 teeth|
Last Wednesday I noticed that Emerick's first tooth had broken through. His bottom right came in first, followed by the bottom left just a couple of days later. Emerick has not been cranky at all, or shown any other signs that he is teething (besides the waterfalls of drool!) We haven't even had to use Baby Oragel. They are coming in super fast, and in another couple of weeks he will probably have two complete bottom teeth. HOW CUTE!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
|Behind the Photo|
I know this post has nothing to do with Emerick, but I snapped a photo of my "ghetto rigged" set up at a client's house today, and just thought I would share, mostly for Kelly who requested I post more behind the photo, photos. Today I photograped a 4 day old little baby. Good times. We actually shot the whole session outside their back door in the shade on their deck. It was 90 degrees out, and Mama was brave. :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009
|This is a photo of a boy...|
...who loves his bath. Always has, probably always will. I can't wait to buy him a little pool to play in this summer!

Thursday, April 23, 2009
|six and a half month stats|
Here are the stats from Emerick's well visit today. Dr. said he is doing great, and that he considers him "advanced" and predicts he will be an early walker. hmmm..!
weight: 18 pounds (60th percentile)
height: 27 1/4 inches (75th percentile)
head: 18 1/4 inches (80th percentile)
We didn't learn anything new there, we knew he had a big ol' noggin. He can thank Daddy for that one.
weight: 18 pounds (60th percentile)
height: 27 1/4 inches (75th percentile)
head: 18 1/4 inches (80th percentile)
We didn't learn anything new there, we knew he had a big ol' noggin. He can thank Daddy for that one.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
It's raining out, again. It's so gloomy, so we tried to make the best of it, and hung out in our back yard for a little bit. Emerick loved looking around and feeling the sprinkles fall in his face. The chill in the air doesn't even phase him, something he gets from me for sure. I need to find the boy a little umbrella!

Sunday, April 19, 2009
|rainbow sweater|
This rainbow sweater has been worn by each of my seven first cousins on my Mom's side starting with my Cousin Eddie. I wish I had a photo of each of us wearing it, but these are good enough. It is cool to have an heirloom peice of clothing, to be passed down through generations, and it is crazy to think that someday Emerick's kids will wear it!
Me - November 1984
(that's Megan with me, I was obviously spinning the merry-go-round at the Mcdonalds in Arroyo Grande WAY too fast!)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Most of these are already on Facebook, so this is for all of you Non-Facebookers - who by the way, really need to get with the program and sign up!
..he hated being in this basket though, despite his love for baskets.

We painted these eggs for Emerick, because we thought he would like them...

Great Grand-mom Matusky

Monday, April 13, 2009
|my baby and me|
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
|oldie but goodie|
I have been trying to put together an Asuka Book to use as my studio sample for about a week now. I am going through old images of Emerick, and came across this image that I had originally ignored. He was so little, and newborn-ish at just 18 days old. :)
Also, some of you have probably seen this image on Facebook, but here it is for all of you that don't have a Facebook. Emerick and his new elephant from Aunti Mimi :)

Friday, April 3, 2009
|out with the old|
I spent a good hour today organizing Emerick's clothes. He has A LOT of clothes. I put away another half of a storage bin of stuff that he has outgrown, and finally unpacked stuff that he will soon grow into. I had to hang up a lot of the bigger stuff in the coat closet, because Emerick's closet is full. It always makes me sad to put stuff away, it seems like just yesterday I was washing all of his little clothes and hanging them up in anticipation of his arrival. I also put away the playmat, since he has not really used it the past couple of months. Plus he has this super cool new toy that he loves. Each stage comes and goes all too fast, someone please press pause.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
|Happy 1/2 Birthday!|
Today you turn a half of a year old. How time flies! You have the biggest personality and are full of silly little quirks. You pant like a dog, because you can. You scream as high pitched as you can because it is funny. You belly laugh rarely, only when you find something funny enough! Your smile is contagious, and you are rarely without a smile plastered across your face. You offer a smile to any stranger who says "hello" to you. You are full of life, and you have given me purpose in my life. You are the biggest blessing we have ever received, and have been more of a joy to us than we could have ever thought possible. Happy 6 month Birthday Emerick!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Emerick lets you know how yummy each and every bite is by saying "MmMmM..MmMmM...MmMm!" Love it.
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