If anyone has any tips on how to get a baby to sleep in their crib, please share! We cannot get him to sleep in his crib, from night 1 at home. I don't know what it is! He sleeps in his swing or his papasan chair. It is kind of frusterating. I really want him to sleep in his crib.

Anni....It's very normal for him to not want to sleep in his bed. Both my kids wouldn't either and almost all my friends kids didn't also. I don't think they like being all the way flat on their backs...you can try propping him up on his side, that worked with Ava. Good Luck.
Jennifer Leininger
How cute! Olivia slept in her co-sleeper next to our bed until she was three months old. She has slept in her crib ever since...but when I say "slept" I really mean "woke up every 2 hours until she was 9 months old."
Oh my goodness he is darling, precious, so cute, adorable, and all of the above!
We just swaddled the HECK out of Colin to get him to sleep in his bed, and did it from day one. He wouldn't do naps in his crib until about 3 months. He is still up at midnight and four at the age of one.
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