Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Recap

Life is crazy for us right now. We are in the middle of moving, but I wanted to take a minute to post a few photos from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

oh and i can't forget emerick's santa photo! i wonder how many years he will be terrified of good ol' saint nick?! this santa was pretty creepy though, he sure wasn't the real santa like LAST YEAR.

The tree on Christmas Eve

Dad & Mom

My two sisters

Wreath roll

sorry samantha

Emerick was weirded out by our strange behavior during dinner! (note: the above photo)

christmas eve jammies!

bath time

all clean

santa brought emerick a spaceship tent, and lots of trucks and other random goodies!

each toy he opened, he had to line up on the couch!

santa came to papa and grammie's house, too!

his reaction when he saw his new car

"ohh wow" he says...

such a little dude

Monday, December 21, 2009

|snowed in & fun in the snow|

Late Friday night and Saturday we had a big snow storm, leaving us with 2 feet of snow. We spent the day on Saturday inside watching the storm, and staying warm. Emerick even took a 3 hour nap, and so did we, it was much needed. On Sunday the sun was shining and so we bundled up and took Emerick outside to play in the powdery snow.


Check out Emerick's first snowman photos HERE, taken just this past March!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Our cards should have all been delivered now. Here is a virtual copy :-)

photo by: little moon photography

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Our life has been so hectic lately that I have hardly taken any photos of Emerick this month. I have been busy with photo shoots, proofing client photos, designing Christmas cards & albums, ordering, packaging, delivering, etc. This has all been great and I am not complaining about my business, but it is just very draining combined with moving. This is the second year in a row (& 3rd time overall) that James and I have moved just days after Christmas) We are officially moving the weekened right after Christmas and it is not fun. I hope that next year we will not be moving, and can just enjoy every bit of the holidays.

We still have to take Emerick to sit on Santa's lap, and I really want to try and get some nice photos of him in his snazzy Christmas Eve attire. But for now, here are some snapshots of Emerick tonight - watching Baby Einstein in his walker, & playing in his room.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

day 2 of walking

It is amazing to me that yesterday Emerick took 3 or 4 steps at a time, and today he can walk across an entire room!

Friday, December 11, 2009

baby steps

Emerick has finally started to walk, just this week! He is certainly not a full time walker yet, but he has built up more and more confidence everyday, and is taking more and more steps to get from point A to point B while playing.

I am the only one who has been saying all along that Emerick would be a late walker, I even predicted 14 months! At his 9 month well baby checkup his pediatrician said he thought he would be an early walker, but I just never believed he would be.

This video is not the best, but it was all I could get after trying for a video all day today!

How cute does he look taking those little steps!?

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I think this might be my new fave video of Emerick. He is really good at entertaining himself, and he finds himself to be quite hysterical! He loves to look at himself in the mirror, and make faces at himself and laugh.

I love how he is being a little camera shy in the beginning of this video!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

tis the season

Tonight we strung the lights, and adorned our Christmas tree with ornaments. The end result is so worth it. It feels like Christmas in our home, and there is nothing better than that.

oliver when he was cute

emerick's first christmas

a truck for our truck loving boy

Sunday, December 6, 2009

|Oh Christmas Tree|

Since the day we moved to Maryland, I have looked forward to cutting down our own Christmas Tree, and taking Emerick to a tree farm this year. Since it was such a pretty day today, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and there was still fresh snow on the ground from yesterday's snowfall, I thought it was surely the perfect day to get our tree.

I was wrong. Our day was filled with lots and lots of mud.

The entire parking lot at Applewood Farm was a sludgy muddy mess. Just about every car there got stuck. My car got stuck twice! We were filthy by the time we got home.

It was 33 degrees out today, and I don't think Emerick has been outside in that cold of weather for more than 2 minutes, and he freaked out. Poor thing. We walked through the trees for about 3 minutes, snapped a few photos, and then Emerick lost it. He was crying uncontrollably.

So Emerick and I waited in the warm car while Daddy picked out, and cut down our tree.

Once we got home, and got the tree set up in the stand we realized that it was way too big, it looked massive in our living room! So, we had to trim back a lot of branches. The tree was so muddy from James dragging it through the mud to pay for it. Even though they shake the tree for you, there was still mud and ice left on it. So there was a huge mud trail in our living room. Then the ice on the tree started melting as we were trimming it, and muddy icy water fell onto the carpet in a big ring around the bottom of the tree. I spent a good half an hour hand washing the carpets, and then another hour and a half scrubbing the mudd off of the walls and the tile floors. It was quite the evening.

We are going to wait until tomorrow night to decorate, because we need to let the tree dry out. This day didn't play out how I had envisioned it in my head, but I am sure it was a day we will never forget. The smell of fresh pine in my house is worth it, and I am sure tomorrow night when the tree is all decorated it will really be worth it.

But, I still think I will go with a fake tree next year!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

|First Snow Day|

Today it snowed for the first time this season. I love the snow, and I don't think I will ever get tired of it, it is so pretty! Not enough snow stuck to the ground to be able to play in it though. So we will still have to wait for that. Emerick is ready, he has his snowball maker, snowman accessories, sled, and snowsuit! Today, he just watched the snow from the living room window.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

|Fourteen Months|

Our little toddler is fourteen months old today!

At fouteen months old Emerick is about 27 pounds. He is wearing size 4 diapers, size 4 shoes, and size 18 month clothing. He's a big dude! He just got 2 molars, and now has a total of 9 teeth. (4 front top, 3 front bottom, 1 top molar, 1 bottom molar) His hair seems to have grown a lot this past month, something I just realized when I was looking through photographs taken just a few short weeks ago!

He is still not walking. He just pushes his trucks around all day long, and doesn't seem to have any desire to walk. He crawls fast enough, and I suppose he doesn't see any reason to walk. I am sure he will figure it out soon enough.

Doodie has several words that we recognize, but mostly he just has very detailed conversations in his very own language. His language sounds very tongue rolly.

His recognizable words include:
bath (baaaa)
wow (bowww)
boom boom
what's that? (whassat?)
He can also identify his belly, and his nose but will only identify them if he feels like it! haha.