Our life has been so hectic lately that I have hardly taken any photos of Emerick this month. I have been busy with photo shoots, proofing client photos, designing Christmas cards & albums, ordering, packaging, delivering, etc. This has all been great and I am not complaining about my business, but it is just very draining combined with moving. This is the second year in a row (& 3rd time overall) that James and I have moved just days after Christmas) We are officially moving the weekened right after Christmas and it is not fun. I hope that next year we will not be moving, and can just enjoy every bit of the holidays.
We still have to take Emerick to sit on Santa's lap, and I really want to try and get some nice photos of him in his snazzy Christmas Eve attire. But for now, here are some snapshots of Emerick tonight - watching Baby Einstein in his walker, & playing in his room.