Life is crazy for us right now. We are in the middle of moving, but I wanted to take a minute to post a few photos from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
oh and i can't forget emerick's santa photo! i wonder how many years he will be terrified of good ol' saint nick?! this santa was pretty creepy though, he sure wasn't the real santa like LAST YEAR. 
The tree on Christmas Eve
Dad & Mom
My two sistersWreath roll
sorry samantha
Emerick was weirded out by our strange behavior during dinner! (note: the above photo)
christmas eve jammies!
bath time
all clean
santa brought emerick a spaceship tent, and lots of trucks and other random goodies!
each toy he opened, he had to line up on the couch!
santa came to papa and grammie's house, too!
emerick is seriously so cute. i can barely stand it. i love him in his little man outfit when he got his red car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was just gonna say!!! That outfit he's wearing is too much! He's soooo cute. It's crazy.
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