Monday, January 11, 2010

to trim or not to trim?

emerick has bangs. long bangs that cover his beautiful eyes. i am constantly pushing them out of his face, even though he does not seem to mind them being there. we don't want to cut his hair, we want to let it grow for a while and see how it looks. i just can't decide if i should trim the bangs a bit, or suffer through this awkward bang stage!!!

please chime in, i would love to hear your thoughts. if you don't know how to comment, just click where it says comments underneath this post, you do not have to be a member of blogger.


Erin said...

I just trimmed Faye's. I didn't want to! I wanted to let them grow and let her be one of those cute little girls with long hair and no bangs. But they were in her eyes constantly and they were bugging her! So I did it and she looks suuuuuper cute. I'm glad I did. I'm still going to let them grow out but at this point I just thought it was so annoying for her so I did it. I say go for it and just trim those little tiny pieces that are right in his eyes. You probably won't even be able to tell that you trimmed them.

taryn said...

i would be careful though..... little girls with bangs cute, little boys with full on bangs can get kind of awkward! You may want to try to find a picture of what hair you want him to have and go for that, or maybe just trim them back to what they were like a month or two ago? before they went in his eyes??

Grammy Pammy said...

Just don't trim straight across...feather it..or straight up otherwise he will look Amish....I keep sayin I will do it.=)

About Me said...

As a mommy of 2 boys, TRIM!!! Can I show you pics of Carson at Emerick's age? It was the same way. Look at my blog. Once I got it cut, I was amazed and thought why did it take me so long!! If I had girls, no I would not cut it but boys, yes. Oh and don't do it yourself, go somewhere.

DeeDee Stolz said...

be careful...i thought i could "trim" up jareds...i should send you the pic of the result. ummm lets just say he had to wear a hood till i had time to get out the clippers! LOL. no joke.