Monday, March 8, 2010


Today the temperatures were in the high 50s. I can't even tell you how warm that felt, after this long, cold winter! I took Emerick outside for more than 30 seconds, and for a bike ride....

he even wore shorts..

despite his strange faces for the camera, he is pretty excited for spring!


Krista said...

I think Augie has that bike, I need to get it set up so he can ride it! I love emerick, I really wish we lived closer!

taryn said...

is it weird that i feel like i love him too? even though i have never met him and i barely know you? i think he is so dang cute and i think him and owen would have SO much fun together. When owen gets around other kids his age he shows off and does this ridiculously loud laugh. i know he would do that if him and emerick hung out!! someday hopefully!!!!