We found out on January 19th, 2011 that baby #2 is on his or her way. The due date is September 28th, 2011 which is just 4 days before Emerick's 3rd birthday! This pregnancy has already been a lot different than with Emerick. I was sick! The last couple of weeks I seem to be getting better as far as the morning sickness (all day sickness really) goes. I am already showing, but it is more of a beer belly than a baby belly ;-) Emerick says he doesn't want Mama to have a baby, but if you ask him "is the baby a boy or a girl?" he says "GIRL!" or if you ask the other way around "is the baby a girl or a boy?" he says "BOY!" haha! The baby's heartrate ranges from the 160's - 170's, so if you predict the gender based on that old wives tale, this baby should be a girl. Emerick's heartrate was always in the 140's, and the tale was true for him being a boy. We will definitely find out the sex in a few weeks, but we will keep the baby's name to ourselves until he or she is born :-)
First ultrasound - 7 weeks & 5 days (baby measured 7 weeks & 3 days)
We gave the baby the nickname "Gummy Bear" after this ultrasound
Second ultrasound, baby's profile - 11 weeks & 5 days (baby measured 12 weeks & 3 days)