At our 12 week ultrasound/First Trimester Screen I asked the technician if she ever predicts gender that early. She said no, "because the penis and clitoris are the same size at that stage." So I left it at that. Being the crazy person that I am, a couple of days later I noticed that in one of the ultrasound photos she gave us, the baby's genital tuber is visible. For fun I started looking around the internet for ways to predict the gender based on that. I came across the "Angle of the Dangle" theory. You can read about it
HERE. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page)
After you read about the theory and see confirmed images of boy and girl "nub shots" you can take a look at our ultrasound photo below, and take a guess for yourself if you think this baby is a boy or a girl based on his or her "Angle of the Dangle" !!
I would love to hear what you think, so leave a comment!
(click ultrasound photo to view larger)

no, for sure a girl. i looked again. im right. you should ask krista for a pic of her baby at this stage to see if it looked like the girl one.
no, for sure a girl. i looked again. im right. you should ask krista for a pic of her baby at this stage to see if it looked like the girl one.
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