He is suddenly very tall, and becoming quite lean. I am sure by the time he is 5 he will be a scrawny thing like his Mama and Daddy were. He loves the water, and we recently bought him a water play table to play with which he loves. We plan to enroll him in swimming lessons again this Summer. He is currently obsessed with superheroes and doesn't play with his Buzz and Woody toys as often :-( He says he wants to have a "Batman Bicycle" (translation: Batman motorcycle aka Bat Cycle) Birthday Party this year. He is talking in little sentences that are becoming more and more understandable to strangers, and not just those that are around him daily. He is excited about "Baby Brother", although I don't think he really understands that there will actually be a baby living with us in less than 4 months! He says his Baby Brother is going to sit in the very back of our car, not the seat next to him. He also picked out a pair of itty bitty Spiderman socks for the baby, and he talks about this daily - he is very proud! I can't wait to see Emerick become a Big Brother!
He weighs about 36 lbs and is about 36 1/4 inches tall. He mostly wears 3t pants/shorts, 4t shirts, and size 8 shoes.
He still doesn't let me take proper photos of him, so this recent snapshot of him passed out on our bed after a long Memorial Day playing outside in the water with his cousins will have to do! Proper recent photos will hopefully come soon!
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