Saturday, August 6, 2011

32 week checkup

I had my 32 Prenatal checkup this past Wednesday. Everything is good. The Dr. checked my cervix per my request because of the amount of pretty intense Braxton Hicks I have been having for many months now. I think I started feeling them before I was even 3 months along! At this point it is hard to walk through them because they are so uncomfortable and my belly gets soo hard. The Dr. said with a second pregnancy that is pretty normal, but checked me anyways. I am 1 1/2 cm dilated already! I go back in two weeks for my next checkup, at 34 weeks.

Even though I am feeling large - I have so far gained 14 lbs less than at this point with Emerick, and I also don't have the crazy swelling in my face and especially my feet, ankles and legs like I did the first time. It makes such a big difference. My "fundal" height measurement was right on this time, and not ahead by 2 weeks as it was last month at 28 weeks. I will have an ultrasound at 36 weeks to check the baby's position and size, and also to estimate the weight. I am predicting that this baby will be smaller than Emerick was, just based on the fact that I feel like my belly is quite a bit smaller than it was with Emerick around this stage of pregnancy. I am guessing somewhere around 8 1/2 lbs at birth. But, who knows! Here is a cell phone pic taken at 32 weeks!

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