Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

It's Black Spiderman!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Emerick ~ 3 Years Old

Emerick had his 3 year checkup with the Pediatrician on Tuesday. He is 3'2" (60%) and weighs 35 lbs (85%) so in other words he is short and stalky, but we already knew that! He wears a 3t or a 4t depending on the outfit, and a shoe size 8 or 9.

He talks A LOT, and also talks back. A LOT. He is super sassy. I would say 3 years is more difficult than the "Terrible Twos" so far!

Emerick loves being a Big Brother, and despite how rough and tough he is, he is so sweet and gentle with Lou. He has adapted into life with a sibling really well (minus his sleep schedule which is way off right now)

He is still obsessed with Super Heroes, especially Spiderman and Batman.

He is getting better about having his photo taken. Here is a recent snap of my big 3 year old!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


This is Emerick "winking" !!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Louis ~ 1 Month Old

Today Louis is 1 month old! I call him Mr. Moody! He loves to eat
and poop, but isn't the biggest fan of sleep. Hopefully he will learn to love sleep as much as his Mama does! He has a pretty bad case of newborn acne going on right now :-( He is already smiling and trying to coo!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More Louis Smiles

I've never seen such a smily baby! 

Monday, October 17, 2011


For anyone wondering if Louis inherited the webbed toes, he did!! They are just must less webbed than Emerick's :-)

Here is a LINK to a photo of Emerick's toes as a newborn, and here is a photo of Louis' toes!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch

Today we took the boys to a cool Farm that James found! There were lots of neat things for the little ones, Emerick's favorites were the giant hillside slide, the tunnel, and the kiddie tractor/wagon ride! He also loved the hay maze, but fell into a huge puddle of mud running through it! The Farm is a Cider Farm, and they had the best Apple Cider Slush and Cider Doughnuts.

Here are some photos, in no particular order since Blogger makes it really difficult to arrange photos, grrr.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bright Eyed Louis

This photo of Louis reminds me of THIS photo of Emerick.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Batman Party!

This past Sunday we celebrated Emerick's 3rd Birthday with a Batman Party! We started asking Emerick what kind of party he wanted about 8 months ago, and his answer never changed. So this was the first year he chose his own party theme. It's funny he wanted a Batman party because he seems to like Spiderman a little more than Batman!

Grammy hosted his party this year, which was so helpful considering I have a brand new baby. This was the smallest party Emerick has had so far, just our closest family (+ the MHWs!) and it was also the perfect opportunity for some of the family that had yet to meet Louis to do so. Louis slept through all of the noise and being passed around at the party.

After everyone had left, Emerick said "let's have a Spiderman party now!" and the next day when Emerick, Louis, and I went over to my Parent's house he thought we were going to his Birthday Party again! He is so dang cute.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


As any parent about to welcome another child into their lives, I wondered if I would be able to love the new child like the first. I am feeling so blessed right now. My heart is full, these boys are my whole world. There is more than enough love to go around. 

The brothers meeting for the first time in the delivery room. 


I took Louis in for a 2 week weight check this morning. 1 week ago he weighed in at 8 lbs 8 oz (he lost nearly 1 lb in his first week) and today he weighed in at 9 lbs 7.5 oz. That is nearly 1 lb gained in 1 week, and he is bigger than his birth weight!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dimpled Darling

We knew he had a dimple on his right cheek before he was even born.

Almost 2 weeks

I can't believe he has been here for 13 days, but at the same time it feels like he has always been here. He's the perfect fit to our little family.

These photos were taken on day 12.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Happy 3rd Birthday to my little super hero!