Thursday, June 20, 2013

Louis ~ 18 months

My poor neglected blog!! It is just so much easier to upload a photo to instagram and have it go straight from my phone to Facebook along with a little story or whatever. I guess I am lazy, or just busy. I love this blog, and being able to look back and reference it if need be, and I do quite often. I don't want to let it go, so I hope to be able to get back into the routine of making blogging a regular thing. I will start with Louis' 18 month stats. He was actually 19 months at his "18 month well visit" and he is now 21 months old, but here it is....

Weight: 26.4 lbs (78%)
Height: 32.5 (50%)
Head Circum: 51.6 cm (98%)

Louis has a huge vocabulary, but only speaks in "2 word sentences".  I changed his closet out to all 24 month/2T clothes, even though he comfortably still fits into most 12-18 month sizes, he's a peanut compared to his brother at this age, but he still seems soo big to me :-)

He doesn't  have much hair (& never has), and we are finally feeling close to getting him his first haircut. These photos were to document him with his curls before we say goodbye to them.

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