Thursday, October 16, 2008

|baby blues?|

We can't wait to see what color Emerick's eyes turn out to be. My eyes are blue, James' are brown. We are both hoping he gets blue eyes, but of course we will love him just the same and think he is just as beautiful if they turn out green or brown ;) Some days his eyes look really blue, especially in the sunlight, so we can keep hoping.

** note for the family:
I have been working on getting all of the birth photos (well not ALL of them, that would be 3189038031 photos!), and photos of emerick's 1st 2 weeks uploaded into my album. Once I am done, I will send the album to everyone so that you can view them, and you can also order prints directly from the album if you want. :)


Krista said...

I think blue. Matt has blue eyes and I have brown.. I am hoping our baby also has blue eyes. We shall see!!!

taryn said...

They look pretty blue to me! Whatever color they are will be absolutely beautiful!

Mama Nicki said...

i hope they stay blue!!!! Bubs turned green and now are an olive green. You know ems was only blue like for a week then changed brown but both are beautiful!!!