Wednesday, April 8, 2009

|because nothing in life is free|

crazy face!!


Anonymous said...

omg! he is crazy! hahah.


Likely said...

Hi Anni, I came across your blog and realized that we must live close to each other -- I am in HdG! Small, small world.

You are a wonderful photographer. Did I read that you use a Nikon? I inherited a really nice Nikon camera but not the manual. I would love for someone to show me the ropes.

Anni said...

hi "likely" I don't know your real name ;) thanks! i do not use a nikon, i have the canon 5d. i think you can probably download a manual for your camera online...but i would also not mind showing you what I know (which is certainly not everything there is to know) sometime. i bet canons and nikons have the same settings. i am also in hdg!

Likely said...
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